Friday, October 2, 2009

After the interval........

I took a break for sometime from the blogging world as I was really busy with some new assignments. For past sometime I'm teahing and practicing entrepreneurship and its really awesome to meet young, charming and dynamic entrepreneurship aspirants. After seeing their faces I'm so confident that India is really going to be the best emplyer and economy in the world. Moreover I'm really happy to see some people who wants to be in social entrpreneurship or be an entrepreneur for a societal cause...simply fantastic....I'm going to be with them for some more time....I want to see them in action...and this is for them

"After the interval he came back, I look into his eyes, the spark I saw...that was the brightest diamond I've ever seen.......I heard him...that was the most beautiful dream any one can see....I read him...that was the sharpest vision I've ever read.....I envied him...because he was one among those twinkling I'm going to be a small kid....and going to learn from them...a new way of learning....How can I keep that sparks till the end?

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